Summer Harrison

"Hello there, Summer here making an intro for this... website that Winter is making for me, not sure why though. Probably to document something important. Well, this site is about me, Summer. Not much to look at... for the last time Winter I'm not revealing my dick size to everyone!" - SummerThis Carrd is made for Summer Harrison, the first sister to Winter.
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Summer's story begins like the others, her father, the same she shares with her sisters had gone missing either on accident or on purpose. Leaving Summer to be raised by her mother. Immediately labeled a freak by her village and her own mother. Born with an abnormal natural temperature of 102.4°F and with male reproductive organs. Summer was shunned as a child, grew up hating, disliking everyone. Summer barely lived under her mother's care, forced to care for Summer for it was tribal law in her tribe. Once Summer got the chance to leave, she took it and left for the Empire.

Being enlisted among the Garlean Ranks was easy peasy for Summer. Naturally manipulative, she easily got what she wanted from other recruits, even officers. Preferring to be stationed in colder climates by her own choice, and by the choice of her senior officers. Eventually being seen by her potential of manipulation to become a Spy for the Garlean Empire. A Frumentarius. Summer's time as an Agent for Garlemald made her partly responsible for the retaking of Doma after the rebellion.

Summer was given a special task however, and paired with one Duplicarious known as Vivienne. Months went by of just the two of them, and they formed a bond, a deep bond. One that soon saved them after Garlemald was finished with their service. Summer's attitude, demeanor, and behavior was intolerable to her superiors. Currently residing in Eorzea with her wife and three children. Vivienne, June, Augustus, and Juliette.

Name: Summer Harrison
Gender: Futa Female
Race: Miqo'te Sun Seeker
Age: 30
Relationship Status: Single but in love with one she can't have
Hair Color (Primary): Dark Red
Hair Color (Highlights): Silvery White
Eye Color: Golden Yellow
Height: 70 inches / 5'8 ft.
Bust: D
Length: <Redacted>